Off Grid Solar System

Off-Grid RTS Solutions

Conceptual Overview

An off-grid rooftop solar system is a rooftop solar energy system that is not connected to the electrical grid and is totally independent of the utility grid.  

Instead, it uses PV panels to generate power, use it during the day, store excess energy in batteries to power your home during outage or at night.

The off-grid system may OR may NOT have battery storage as part of solution.

There are houses and communities that are far from the grid and have not connected to the grid can decide to go for off-grid solar solutions.

Unlike on-grid RTS system, where power generation in the RTS stops when grid is down, the off-grid RTS provide power even during the grid outage as they are independent of grid. (same is true for hybrid solar system).

In terms of cost, off-grid solar systems are the most expensive because of the cost of battery storage, followed by hybrid while on-grid solar systems are the least expensive.

Advantages ✅

  • Ideal for areas witnessing frequent grid power outages, or rural areas where NO grid connection. NO power generation issues even when grid power is down. Power is drawn directly from panels OR from battery with advantages of 24×7 power backup.


  • No CESCOM approvals needed; No CESCOM restrictions on KW capacity and on areas of installation.

Disadvantages ❌

  • No subsidy available for off-grid solar systems.
  • No advantage of net metering, since no export to grid, excess electricity is stored in batteries and surplus power production goes waste.
  • Expensive solution due to battery storage cost.

What components do Off-grid Solar Systems have ?

Off-grid systems have few additional components compared on-grid systems.

  • Standard RTS components :PV panels, mounting structures and connectors. (Off-grid systems may use ground-mounted arrays, which are mounted differently than rooftop panels. May have single/multi axis sun trackers for improved power generation).  
  • Off-grid inverter: Off-grid inverters need not have to match phase with the utility since they aren’t connected to the grid.
  • Solar batteries: for use when panels aren’t generating electricity.  Often C10 deep cycle lead-acid solar batteries (different than normal UPS batteries) are used. Advanced Lithium-ion (LFP) batteries are now popular with higher DoD advantage to have more energy units backup.
  • Solar charge controller : between the panels and the battery, to manage optimal battery charging.
  • Other standard BOS components : AC/DC connectors/safety disconnects, MCB etc. (Off-grid systems have one additional DC disconnect between the battery and the off-grid inverter to stop current from flowing between the two and is important for maintenance and protection). 
  • Backup generator (optional): may be used as backup to ensure an additional power source, typically in industrial setup. 

Our Solution Partners

In view of 25 Long Years of RTS lifetime, the components that constitute the solution are key to performance of an installation. Here are India’s Top Rated Brands that make our solution

When to go for Off-grid ?

The off-grid solution is expensive compared to on-grid solution. You may however choose to go for off-grid ONLY when:

  • Thereis no electricity grid where you live and you need power.
  • Your existinggrid connection is NOT stable, and your key requirement is 24×7 power backup at all times.
  • The nearestgrid connection is a long way from your place and cabling charges to have connection is prohibitive.
  • You have gridconnection, but with frequent power outages.
    • In this case, it is recommended to look into ‘on-grid RTS + minimal capacity off-grid solar UPS’  for backup,  as jointly it may be a much cheaper alternative than going fully with off-grid.
  • You run generatoras backup and wants to save on fuel and maintenance costs.
    • In this case also it is recommended to look into ‘grid-connected solar + an off-grid solar UPS’ as it jointly may be able to get you a Zero OR near-Zero bill.
  • You don’t have adequate rooftop open area to mount panels for the required capacity on-grid system.
    • It is NOT permitted to use area outside the roof for on-grid systems as per CESCOM norms. For off-grid, no CESCOM approvals needed, and you can install panels on any open area inside the premises.

“ Unless there are compelling reasons, it is economically and environmentally NOT a right decision to go for off-grid solution.

Economically, because of the fact that the cost of off-grid system ownership is generally much higher than on-grid. An off-grid system with a similar level of convenience of a grid-tied system, can easily cost several thousand more due to cost of batteries and fuel (if generators used).

Environmentally, not a right decision because the surplus generated solar power do not get be exported to grid and goes waste”.

Project Context

A corporate training center of India’s leading industrial group asking SmartEco for solar powered garden work benches in the campus.

Entirely custom made with LFP battery based solar charging desk and work benches in the garden matching the ambiance.

Solution Delivered

Entirely based on Li-Ion battery solution this outdoor table has a canopy that generates power and stores in batteries that is used for desktop lighting charging the laptops while working during evenings.

Project Context

Emerald Haven Estates at Bedaguli, Chamarajnagar outskirts, amidst deep forests has a BSNL tower that was experiencing intermittence power outages disrupting communication.

Solution Delivered

SmartEco solution with advanced off-grid 7.5KW C10 lead battery based solar UPS that not only now provides 24×7 power supply to the communication tower but also to essential lightings around the area.

A solution that also saves the Estate substantial monthly power bills PLUS gives luxury of uninterrupted power.

Get Ready to Save the Environment and your Energy Bills !!

Get in touch with us and we will be very happy to study your requirement and come up with cost effective Energy saving solutions, that are both environment friendly and budget conscious.


We at SmartEco take great care to see that you have a wonderful experience with us and work together to have a great piece of rooftop solar power system. Come visit our experience center to get a better idea.

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